Who should be trained to operate a fire extinguisher?

The short answer: as many people as practicable.

Just like CPR training, we hope we’ll never need to use it, but if we do find ourselves in a position where we may discover a fire we need to ensure we know what is required to keep ourselves and everyone else safe.

Safety 101’s live fire training gives you a realistic and practical understanding of the dangers associated with fire; letting you feel the heat, smell the smoke, and see how effective the extinguisher is.

In Australia, there are 5 common types of fire extinguishers, and 6 classes of fire, and although you may think to just grab the closest fire extinguisher and squirt it on the fire, it’s not that simple. In fact, putting the wrong extinguisher on the wrong fire could have fatal consequences.

You should only use a fire extinguisher if it is safe to do so for you and others in the vicinty, and that means:

  • You have been trained in fire extinguisher operations;

  • You have the correct extinguisher available; and

  • The fire is less than 1 cubic meter (about the size of a standard desk).

Many clients who complete extinguisher training with Safety 101 provide direct feedback that the session was fun, provided critical safety information and was a great team-building activity.

Reach out to our team today to train your team to operate a fire extinguisher and keep your facility safe.